How Much Hair Do I Need for a Full Weave?

A commonly asked question is "how much hair do I need to buy for a full-head weave". First you should know the quantity of each pack of hair is measured by the weight. Most bundles are 3.5oz-4oz, this is true for store bought hair as well.

Two packs are recommended if choosing a length 18 inches or less. For lengths longer than 18 inches it is recommended you use three packs for fullness. The longer the length of hair, the shorter the width of the track end to end, this means you will need more hair for more coverage for more volume and fullness, even if you decide to use a closure I still suggest at least two packs of hair. If in doubt, always get a third pack for safe measure, it's better to have a little extra rather than not enough during your hair install. Whatever you don't use you can save for your next install or a touch up later. Keep in mind that curly hair is naturally much thicker than straight or wavy hair. So you may not need as much hair for a full look.

Some people like a really full and big look regardless of the length of the hair. My daughter and I personally like our hair to be less full, more like our own hair. For me it is easier to manage when the hair isn’t so full, I hate taking all day to wash, dry and style my hair.

Note: If you are only adding tracks to half of your head or less, one pack will suffice just fine.

And...It Is What It Is!


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