My Detox Day 1

Hello! It’s been a minute since I posted to this blog. I am going to treat this like my journal through this journey…lol

I have decided to do a detox after my vacation. I came home feeling seriously bloated!

My detox is in the form of a fast, a juice fast. Yes that’s right, nothing but juice for me. I am aiming at 2 weeks but we will see what happens.

Today is day 1 and I am sipping on some Superfood before I do my 6 mile walk. My 6 mile is a normal routine but never on an empty stomach so let’s see how this goes. Well I guess it won’t be totally empty it will just be full of juice. I may have to add some Electrolytes and a shot of Wheat Grass to my diet as well. We will see. Mostly I will pray about it and hope that God can see me through this time.


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