What Exactly Does She Do?

All from my bed I negotiated a show deal for two of the artists I market consult for, set up a production meeting for another, and set up a potential client meeting. I also had a conference call while grocery shopping.

I enjoy what I do, everything I do, which is quite a bit. For the past 10 years I have been promoting parties and events on both the East & west coasts, after my last event (September 2nd) I became tired of the club promotion, this Summer I dealt with a lot of shady people including club and venue owners. Furthermore, I am strongly driven and highly motivated and most people’s drive isn’t the same as mines and putting together an event on your own can be extremely tiring.
I enjoy event planning for clients & client market consulting a lot more when it comes to the entertainment field.

What I do is consult with business owners, music artists, DJs etc on how they want to market themselves. By focusing on your career and taking it to the next level. Marketing strategies, ideas and plans of actions tailored to you based on where you are right now. We usually sit down and plan out your marketing strategy (i.e. what needs to be done, the steps it will take to do it and a time frame to have it done).
After the initial meeting the client can take what we have discussed and get to work on it or we can work with you on making those things happen. For example: If you are an artist and one of the items you need are a press kit, we will design that for you; or say you are the owner of a salon and you want a commercial, we will put all of that together as well.
I always come up with innovative ideas for my client to catch the attention of their target market. I research your specialty and field, I also study you and your craft to maximize results! I try to take ideas out the box so that the client stands out amongst the rest and I try to get make sure the client receives these results a lot sooner than later!

When a business owner doesnt have the staffing and/or cannot afford a full time employee to handle tasks and projects thats another aspect where I come in. A lot of business owners work out of their homes so space is limited, but that doesnt mean the workload is. Without having to sacrifice their space, supplie & time they can have all projects taken care of by me.

The party planning is self explanatory but basically it includes: Planning of the event start to finish – DJ, Venue, Flyer, Photographer, Ordering cake, etc
Set Up of event but not clean up – Decorating, Sending out invites, food set up, guest list

For more info on my company and what it is I do, visit my website at www.reddibusiness.com


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