Happy 7th Birthday Dai Dai

There’s nothing like watching your children grow. Today is my lil dude's 7th birthday. My heart was filled with more love than I thought could fit the day he was born. He completed everything.

My son is very intelligent, loving and caring. He is a wonderful little boy. He is filled with so much personality it is crazy!

As with every birthday in my family, we are going out to eat at a restaurant of his choice. Every year until my children reach middle school; I prepare goodie bags and I either bake or buy cupcakes for their classroom when their birthday falls on a school day. We always reserve weekend for parties but I’ve always felt like the actual day my child was born deserved to be celebrated as well.

My beautiful Boy I love you so very much and I am so very proud God blessed me with you. Happy 7th Birthday Dai Jshon!

And...It Is What It Is!


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