Why Are You Even Here???

This photo reminded me of an interview of Kelly Rowland and she talked about her diet and exercise routine; she talked about “working out 5-6 times a week and sticking to strict eating rules like, ‘no food after 9pm’. She also works on solely her abs for 45 minutes every night” all people kept commenting about is how Kelly is naturally skinny. Comments like these made me realize that most of them were probably over weight and do not work out or have strict eating rules of their own.

There was a time I thought I would never gain a pound and was not very happy, I was really skinny so I never developed good habits. Once I gained a little weight I was happy but my body was not done. Eventually I gained too much weight. I’ve never been what some consider fat but I wasn’t in shape either.

I’ve said it many times before and I will continue to say it; this is a lifestyle, not a phase, I’ve been through phases and they don’t have lasting results. I’m not striving for a goal to reach then turn around and say “ok I’m done” I made a decision to change my life and that’s what I’ve been doing. You don’t get in shape then quit, you keep going to maintain what you’ve tried so hard to accomplish, but it’s a mental change that has to be made, I had to reprogram my brain.

When I see someone who is fit or thin with good eating and fitness habits; I say to myself, "that’s why they’re in shape" I look at what they eat, how they eat and their fitness habits; pay attention to people who eat a lot, watch what they are eating (carrots, celery, nuts, etc). Yes, some people are naturally thin and can eat a house of food and not gain a pound; but I’m not talking about them, because skinny does not equal healthy. Healthy equals healthy, follow good examples and habits and become a good example yourself is my motto. Make lifetime decisions when it comes to bettering yourself.

Another quick topic I wanted to discuss is fitness. Whoever said you don’t need to work out is a fool. Even though diet plays a key role in weight loss fitness plays its part as well. You can lose all the weight in the world but if you do not build muscle and kick your metabolism into gear be flabby once you lose it and you will gain it back, if not more. The goal is to look good and stay looking good; not only on the outside but on the internally as well. Look good and feel good.

And…It Is What It Is!


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