Time to Get Back on Track

The holidays really did a number on me; I really let go over that time. I can’t lie, it’s like I’m starting all over again. I don’t like this feeling; I don’t like it at all. My immune system was in horrible condition and I got sick it. To make matters worse I gained weight. My body cannot take long periods of unhealthy eating...only spurts.

I attempted to do a system flush and I was sick and needed more fuel, so I only lasted two days. After I attempted to go to the gym on day two and could barely stand because of lack of energy I knew I had to go back to eating solid food.

So now that I have gotten my health back in order I am back on my fast, I’ve been fasting since the 16th and the fact that I have my reception on the 26th makes it even more crucial for me to get my body back in order. I refuse to be over bloated and not in good health by that time. I have so much to do and it’s best that I am in optimal health and have enough energy to do everything I have to do. The last day of my fast is the 25th.

During this fast I am working out the entire time. I drink my juice all throughout class to continue to feed my body the energy it needs, after class I have one of my after workout smoothies which provides my body with the needed protein, potassium and vitamins. I do however exclude the yogurt from my smoothie, since during my fast I do not take in any dairy.

I won’t be doing a daily post during this fast but I will say it is a bit more difficult because I am married now and my hubby eats whatever he pleases (minus pork) and has a tendency to offer me food. Lately he hasn’t been but I had to really let him know he needs to be supportive and not the opposite.

I’m not doing my 37-day plan but I am going back into my healthy eating lifestyle that I abandoned for a few weeks. I will definitely keep you all updated.

And…It Is What It Is!


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