Remembering 9/11 - My Story

I wasn’t going to tell this story today, but a Facebook friend asked me to share so I will also share on my blog. I may have posted this before but I am sharing again.

So, I went to work that morning like usual and as I am walking in I hear a co-worker say “oh no they hit the other one!” I was lost and confused and had no idea what they were talking about. She had a radio on that was reporting what was happening. My mom was trying to call my cell but couldn’t get through. I was able to talk to her on the jobs land line and that’s how I found out exactly what was going on.

Soon after we were all told to go home, no busses were running, no trains. So we had to walk, I was so lost because I had only been in NY a few months and I had no idea how to get to where I was staying so I just followed everyone and walked and walked and walked until we hit the Brooklyn bridge.  We walked across the bridge and when we reached Brooklyn there were members from the Jewish community with cookies and juice. It was so hot and I was tired so it was a blessing they were there. I walked from the bridge to Marcus Garvey and Lexington Ave where I was staying.
After that the mood was solemn it was quiet, sad and weird. Trains were rerouted to divert away from the Chambers station which was the stop before mines, right under the towers. It was months before they opened up the bridges. I remember having to detour to go to Jersey.

 I remember my boo at the time was overseas on tour and couldn’t come back due to the situation. I remember looking where the towers used to be and only seeing smoke. I remember not being able to feel as deeply as those who had lived there all their lives because I had never really paid much attention to the towers to begin with. But I remember the friends I had met calling me to see if I was ok and I remember hoping that some of my new friends who worked in the building had made it out. I never found out about that and to this day I still wonder.
I still remember 9/11.

And…It Is What It Is!!


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