Yoga...Make it Hot!

I had to blog about this. I love Hot Yoga. I have always wanted to try out Yoga but always thought it cost too much for just finding inner Well, I take some business courses on the inner skinny on managing your business. During a 2 week course I was taking there was a lady in the class who wanted to open a "Hot Yoga" class.

So you say "what’s the difference?" well, the room that you are in is 110 degrees or more. OK interesting. But that wasn’t enough to get me to shell out my hard earned cash. I decided to ask her about this "Hot Yoga" well well. Her eyes lit up as she talked about how she loves Hot Yoga, to the point where my interests were heightened. Then not to mention the deal 10 for $10 yes that’s right 10 classes for $10. Now that's just an introductory price good for 30 days but it was good enough for me to try out.

I must say, I loved it! I felt like someone threw me in a damn pool when I was done but I felt great! My mind was an ease. By body was pushed to the limit. I shed tons of calories. I don’t sweat that much in the gym or taking a run. They can gladly have my $120 a month for unlimited classes. That’s 7 days a week for as many classes a day I choose or $99 if I pay for 3 mos at a time. My hair is soaked, my clothes drenched, my mind at ease. Hot Yoga helps you lose weight, improve your health & flexibility, builds strength, releases toxins and so much more.

If you have never tried it I suggest you do. BUT, I will warn you. Don’t just take water, take frozen water. It will stay cold and will help you more than you can imagine.


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