Toxic Men

I know you didnt think I was going to just put my ladies out there without talking about the fellas. Never that.
Just like the ladies there are a lot of toxic men out there. I've been with quite a few and I know most of the ladies out there have too.

Heres what the article reads:
"Some of life’s greatest lessons are born from our biggest nightmares. Toxic men can provide just that nightmarish opportunity. C’mon, just think about the word “Toxic.” It conjures up images of nuclear waste sites and Julia Roberts in the award winning movie, 'Erin Brockovich'. She plays a smart single mom who, against all odds, proves that toxic waste is seeping into a town’s water system and killing its inhabitants.

Toxic men operate in a similar fashion. They seep into the crevices of our lives, not necessarily killing us physically but definitely doing their fair share of emotional damage. If we’re smart and can re-frame our past experiences with these “types” we can learn some crucial lessons as opposed to just feeling victimized. Best of all, if we’re really conscious about the past, we can use those lessons to make better choices in the future.

When a toxic man has penetrated your world you should be able to identify his type in the future and keep him far away. But, realistically, it might take being involved with several toxic men before you recognize them and their wicked ways. Old patterns and misguided attractions die hard.

Stephanie Meyers, author of the current best selling romance novel, Twilight, has created a fascinating toxic lover. Her heroine is a young woman, Bella, who is passionately in love with a vampire, Edward. Edward is smart, dashing, romantic, every woman’s dream except for one terrifying truth. Loving Edward means you are at constant risk of being killed by him. The romantic tension is Bella’s internal debate about whether being with her “true love” is worth not only her life but her soul.

Real life vampires can be more subtle than actual vampires. They don’t have fangs or capes and they don’t sleep in coffins. In fact, their first calling card is subtlety and that can make them difficult to spot until some damage has already been done. Very few of us have been asked out by a guy who says “Hi. I’m a Vampire and if you love me there is a almost a 100 percent chance I will suck the life out of you.” Usually, they are insidious—like a slow creeping fungus that covers your world before you even realize it. Armed with the right information your past can be your garlic necklace. It can make you so smart that you’ll be impervious to toxicity whether it shows up in the form of a vampire or just a guy at the office."

Have you ever been with a man that just sucked the life out out you? Just made your joy your pain if he wasnt feeling joyous himself. Tried to call you every name under the sun. Wanted you to be unhappy and feel bad about yourself? Only wanted to be around for his own gain? 
Is that your man now? Run I tell you! Run!!!

Read the rest of the article here


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