N!gga What? N!gga Who?

Since John Mayer's Playboy interview the world has been in an uproar. I just don’t see why. Who cares if he doesn't screw black women because he says his genitals are racist. I know I don't. There are a ton of White, BLACK, Asian men & so on with the same thoughts. Are people upset because he actually had the balls to say so?

Then you have the use of the word N!gga. Are you serious? Looky here; as long as blacks are running around using this word, then they need to just shut up about others using it. Then they have this "Hood Pass" BS that says you are allowed to use the word without anyone wanting to clunk you over the head. WTF! Are you serious??!!! UGH! People make me sick. Until we stop using this word then in all honesty you just can’t get mad for others using it. If you do not have respect for yourselves you cannot expect others to have any for you. Simple as that.

Educate yourselves and gain some kind of decency before you continue to look like and idiot for complaining about something that you girlfriend, mama, daddy, and homeboys call you on a daily basis.


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