My Detox Day 3

Well, it is day three of my fast and I must say it is a lot easier. I went out last night and people were eating and drinking and I was cool. For a moment the food got to me when it came over all hot and smelling good but I prayed for strength and the Lord granted me the strength to not even be bothered by it. Now the drinking didn’t matter since I am not a big drinker.

It’s crazy because I have mad energy and I’m not weak. The headache has passed. I was dancing and doing what I normally do. This is the longest I have gone w/o food w/o being sick. I feel so much more in control of my appetite. I had gotten out of control with my diet and began eating at night. I find myself even more hungry at night than in the day time. So naturally while on this fast my being hungry during the day isn’t the issue it’s my night time hunger that is the biggest issue. Last night I showed that I can fight it. I had been controlling my last night cravings for the past week or 2 but never while drinking nothing but juice all day so this is a big accomplishment for me. I live a late night life so eating after an event is a regular activity that I didn’t normally practice in the past. I am working towards making it something I only did for a moment in my life and not a lifetime routine.

With me cleansing my system I am also cleansing my life. Removing toxins from both my body and my mind, meaning people that are not good for my health. I had to finally let go of a toxic relationship. That relationship was part of the reason I had gained so much weight and stressed so much. Now I’m still sexy and all photos are current if you’ve been to my FB page but that isn’t my normal size. So even though my main reason for fasting wasn’t to lose weight it is a great side effect and it is helping me gain control back over my life so I can continue on a path to better health.

Today I am going to purchase some herbal flush to take at night then do the sea salt flush in the morning. By the time this is over all toxins, parasites, etc should be gone and I should be feeling 100%. I plan on making fasting a normal way of life for myself. I will add it to my monthly routine along with a monthly 2-day flush combined with 3 days of fasting. This combined with the 6 miles I walk and drill team starting back this fall will keep me healthier.

Mind Over Matter


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