My Detox Day 5

5 Days to Go!

Day 5: Today has been pretty chill. Nothing too big to yap about, all is well. I’ve been busy working on this event I am having next Friday and promoting it all morning long. As well as preparing for 2 more that I am putting together. Last night I went out and did some promotion as well and I did good, still no desire to eat and all that. Each day gets easier. Now don’t get me wrong you don’t have a point where you just don’t ever want real food. I’d be lying. I have wanted some Pho and grilled chicken a few times…lol. But the need to have it isn’t there. I also won’t lie and tell you that I can go forever on this. I can’t wait to feel normal again and be able to eat. Difference is I will eat when hungry and not to be a greedy pig. It helps that I have so much going on to keep me busy as well. But it is so much better to make sure you constantly sip on your juice all day. I had some white grape juice this afternoon 100% of course.

For those that are interested in the Sea Salt flush here is the math:

2 Tablespoons of Natural ground Sea Salt (NOT TABLE SALT) & 2 qts (64oz) of warm water. You can add lemon if you want. In my opinion it tastes better the warmer it is but don’t make it so hot you can’t gulp it down, sipping it won’t work. Do this flush 1st thing in the morning before you eat anything. Stay close to the toilet it only takes 30-60 mins to work. Have plenty of tissue on stock, soap & hand lotion (all that washing after each BM gets them ashy…lol) You may also want some baby wipes. Another FYI: If you feel like you want to pass gas during this process. DON’T get to the toilet!

That’s enough for now. I may be back later

And...It Is What Is


  1. I am going to try the Detox to add with my current plan. I am my 60 day mark for the biggest looser and could stand to lose a few more pounds. Thank you for the very detailed and valuable information. i could help but laugh at your details...but I am sure you know! lOL


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