New Beginnings

Let me start by saying I apologize for not giving an update on my last day of fast. I also didn’t update my 1st day off of fast. But I will say that it was scary for me. My fear was eating something after being on fast that didn’t agree with me so for the 1st 3 days I only ate fruit. My guy took the kids and I to the Crab Pot in Seattle so yesterday for the 1st time I had meat. Smoked Salmon, crab meat and shrimp. Not a lot but enough. To my surprise I still lost another pound. So far I’m at about 20 lbs. It’s crazy. I didn’t flush this weekend though…not good! I am going to have to do it this week, probably Thursday after I take my son to the bus stop.

So my guy and I went out to this party o Saturday and one of his roommates looks at me and goes “you look like you’ve lost weight” I think that was a better compliment than everyone telling me how damn good I looked…lol I’m use to those types of compliments. It’s crazy because my clothes are fitting better, I was able to wear a smaller dress than normal (2 sizes to be exact) which is more in-line with the normal me. I still feel in control and I am happy for that. Today I am back to my fruit and tomato soup. I won’t be adding chicken or starch to my diet for a lil bit. I have to find my balance.


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