Fasting...Round 2...Day 3

7 Days to Go!
On a bad note I found myself barely drinking too much the beginning of the day. I had a cup of tea that I barely drank then after lunch I decided to work on my juice. Well you have to stay sipping all day to keep from being hungry and to give your body something to metabolize. I think last night’s tomato soup just made me too full. I didn’t like the feeling too much. So I am going all juice tonight. One thing that I found helps curb my desire to chew is chewing sugar free gum. Chewing the juice is good too but let get real, chewing juice isn’t as satisfying as chewing gum. One thing to focus on is the fact that you are taking in a lot of fructose with a juice fast so brush your teeth during the day and night if you are only a morning brusher. You don’t want that sitting on your teeth.
I've decided to end my night with hot & spicy tomato juice. Change things up a bit.


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