The Music Industry Could Use Some Female Rappers. Are You One of Them?

I was sitting here thinking about the BET female nominees for best female rap artist which were Nicki Minaj, Lola Monroe, Diamond & Cymphonique. This tells me rap needs more women knocking down doors. Don’t get me wrong they’re good but got no airplay or video play. Matter for fact when they announced the nominees most people were like “who the hell are they” (accept Nicki) I personally had heard everyone except Cymphonique who is only 13 years old. But none of them except Nicki; are mainstream.

This industry is flooded with male rappers and “wanna be” male rappers. Matter of fact I meet so many men that want to rap, want to be famous. I meet very few women. With a lack of competition it’s easy for a rapper like Nicki Minaj to stay on top. But you have to realize it wasn’t an overnight success for her either. Nicki is 28 years old. Drake is about 23, so what does that tell you? It tells you that the industry isn’t quick to open doors for women like they are men, but it doesn’t mean they wont. You have to have something more. You have to be more than just a good rapper, you need originality, personality, drive, hustle and you need to make good connections.

If a female rap artist can be seen enough she just may catch the attention of the execs. It takes creative marketing to make this happen. Set yourself aside from the rest and get in as many faces as you can, jump on as many tracks as you can, make as many mixtapes as you can. Give them no choice but to see and hear you. Build your fan base. Eventually, someone will take notice and when they do not only will you have talent, you will come with a fan base that can only be expanded if you keep your mind open to being different and doing different things. That’s what this industry is missing.

A lot do not know this but Nicki Minaj was a actress before she started rapping. She did stage productions and all the characters you see in her now she portrayed on stage and brought that into who she is now. She also did many underground mixtapes and made a name for herself.

One thing I like to do with my artists and business is find out what makes the unique, then I focus on that aspect of their career and make that their niche. If I notice my client will appeal more to a certain crowd I capitalize on that and we expand from there. Those fans/clientele will bring your to the attention of like-minded friends, family and associates.

You never know until you try. Go hard or stay at home, because there’s no point in even coming out the house if you aren’t ready to knock a few doors down!


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