My Detox Update!

Happy Thursday!!

I wanted to update you all on my body detox and the Yogi Detox Tea I’ve been drinking. I can say that the tea definitely works. I’ve been drinking it for 4 days and I definitely go to the bathroom every hour. If you drink a lot of water you know what I am talking about. So I stand behind this product because for me it works. Now remember if you don’t find yourself going potty often you may want to add an extra cup to your day, maybe two.

Another thing I have been doing is drinking the Organic Smooth Move Senna Tea by Traditional Medicinals nightly before I go to bed. That is also an all natural tea. I posted about it quite some time ago you can find it under labels “tea” and “smooth move tea”. The reason I am drinking this tea nightly is mainly because my sea salt flush didn’t work so I had to get the gunk out of my system plus I want to keep myself regular during this fast. I will be doing another sea salt flush this weekend.

I am also taking a multi-vitamin, Omega 3 & Vitamin D.

So far I have also lost 5 lbs which is always a plus to lose while detoxing and my belly has gone down as well, which of course is a plus.

An example of my daily food intake is something like this:
Breakfast: Smoothie w/strawberries, banana, peaches, carrot juice, flaxseed, & whey protein
Detox tea about an hour later.
Morning Snack: An apple
Lunch: Spring mix w/grapes, purple onions, cilantro, tuna & balsamic vinegar
Afternoon Snack: Boiled egg
Early Evening Snack (if I work late) Yogurt or Turkey pepperoni slices
Dinner: Cabbage & Baked or Pan Seared Chicken, or fish & steamed veggies

The above is just an example of my meal. The snacks aren’t in any particular order. But with this fast it is suggested that you eat fruit before 2pm. But if I am really hungry after dinner I will have a banana or something. I try to switch it up so I dont get bored. So the meat in my salad changes; I may do grilled chicken one day and fish the next. It depneds on my mood. But stay away from red meats like, beef, pork, lamb, goat etc during a detox, these meats do not digest quickly. The intention is to detox/flush the system so choose foods that will expell quickly.
As you can see I do not use any dressing on my salad i use the balsamic vinegar. I chose balsamic because of the flavor and the fact that vinegar aids digestion.
If you want to know the recommended foods while on this detox, go to label "next day diet", the first cycle is the detox/toxin-flushing cycle. You don't have to stay on the entire plan after you have detoxed if you do not want to.

I will keep you updated on my progress! Be on the look out for my blog about a new program I discovered as well called the Amen Solution.


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