My Life is What I Make It, Time For Change

I am ready for a lifestyle change. My focus is set on my health, my family, my business, my education and my future. Not like I haven’t been focused on those areas of my life before but now it’s different.
I’m ready to make changes that I know will enhance my future. I’ve always wanted to go back to college, especially considering I’ve never worked in the field I went to school for. I finished and did something completely different and to this day I still work in that field with no regrets. That was the first sign of in what direction my life was headed. Instead of staying with the clinical side of medicine I chose the business side.
I grew up a very skinny girl, even during pregnancy I wasn’t to my “recommended weight” I was about 110 lbs when I became pregnant with my daughter. I was never happy being that small. I always wanted a lil more weight on me. So when I became pregnant I started to eat a lot because I was afraid of having a small baby. After she was born at 8lbs 13 oz I felt like I had succeeded at my goal. I then kept a weight of 130-135 or so lbs. I was quite content.
OK fast fwd a few years. Being so small I never had to watch what I ate (except when I was pregnant with my son due to gestational diabetes), (but I stopped eating pork in 2004 and beef in 2007) so after moving back to Washington in the Summer of 2005, I gained 10 lbs when I went back to work that October. After that I began to gain. I then started to pay attention to my eating habits a bit more, what I ate, when I ate etc. It wasn’t until I was let go from my job in 2009 and started promoting full time that I developed the worse of my eating habits. We would eat late and be up all night, not the best of habits for the body. In the Summer of 2010, I went on a vacation and I stuffed my face the whole time, I felt like crap. It was at that time I felt I needed to do something. My friend told me how his roommate drank Odwalla juice and lost weight. I did some research and saw the benefits of the juice fast and that is when my first fast began. From that point I’ve been battling back and forth with my health and eating healthy, every time I would fast I would have good habits for about a month then go back into bad habits. Food had become my “go to” when I was bored, I don’t do emotional eating, I do boredom eating…lol, to make it worse I have an addiction to sweets.
I think what has really triggered my desire to make a health change is the pain. My body wasn’t designed to hold a lot of weight. Even when I was pregnant for the first time, the doctor told me my body was not made to carry a baby. So the hips I have today were designed by my daughter and it hurt the whole damn time. I still have tiny wrists and ankles.
Over the past year I have become the type of person who studies every health method possible. I can help anyone make a change and guide them, but there’s so much more to being healthy, it has to be mental. Eating can be psychological, if you do not get to the root of the issue you will go back to your bad habits. If you cannot fight your addiction to food and sugar, you will go back to your bad habits. Every part of me screams healthy eater except my addiction to junk food.
So in order for me to succeed I have to change my lifestyle, make exercise a permanent part of my lifestyle, make eating healthy a part of my lifestyle and treat sugar like the enemy. I noticed staying at work late causes me to desire sweets really really bad. So with me working out it causes me to have to leave earlier. I have to do what I have to do to be a better me because at the end of the day I am a Mom first and I want to live to see my grand kids and great grand kids. I want to live to accomplish my goals.
I want to be a better, Mom, Daughter, Cousin, Lover, Friend, & Business Associate
One step at a time, one day at a time…there’s only one me and I only get one life to live.


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