I Have Created a Habit

I recognized a long time ago that I had an addiction to junk food. When I say a long time I am talking like four or more years ago. I wanted to do something about it back then but didn’t know what to do. In 2006/2007 before my addiction revelation, I began to pay closer attention to my eating habits and studying nutrition. I cut back on things like salt and for a while I cut back on sugar. Since then I’ve stayed pretty much salt free and when I do have salt it’s in my initial dish and I only use sea salt but I don’t add extra to my food after it’s on my plate. Sugar was a different story. When it came to my tea I probably had more sugar than tea in my cup, the sweeter the better.

If you follow my blog then you know I did a 17-day system detox in November, cutting out all sugar, starchy carbs, junk food and a bunch more. I sit here today feeling like a renewed person. I no longer crave junk as I did before. I have sugar all around me, I have junk food all around me I have pasta and cheese and all of the things I cut out of my diet that at one point in my life I felt I couldn’t do without; and yet I still choose to say no. I don’t have to have it and I don’t. I choose healthier alternatives to keep my cravings down. Even when I don’t feel like cooking I still won’t drive to the fast food restaurant for my kids (I wasn’t much of a fast food eater). I made a decision and promise to myself to be healthier and I am doing just that. This journey is not an easy one but guess what, it will be a long one. Why, you ask? Because I will live a longer healthier happier life.

They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. I have acheived that.

And…It Is What It Is!

Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube health channel http://youtube.com/shaninicolehealth


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