Pies, Pies & More Pies

As always I had a very busy weekend. I am house hunting so that took up half of my Saturday. I did however find a house that I like so hopefully everything will work out for the best.

An old friend of mines baked some sweet potato pies even though I am not a big fan of sweet potato pie I decided I would show my support by buying one and taking it to our Mother’s Day gathering Sunday. So on Saturday I called him around the time of my son’s soccer game (around noon) so we could set up a time to meet. He hit me back around 6, so I am like “lets meet so I can get the pie” no reply, two hours later I hit him again, no reply. So me being me; decided I would make my own damn sweet potato pie even though I had never done so in my damn life...lol.

I found a recipe and I changed it to suit my desires, I then decided I would make two separate recipes to see which one I liked best. Once I was done pouring two pies I had a lot of mix left so I decided to mix the two together and make two more pies. So by 4 am I had 4 pies done.

I was exhausted but it was worth it; my family loved them and ate them all!

And...It Is What It Is!


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