System Flush

I've posted many times about flushing your system. I'm not talking about the detox or fasting I'm talking about flushing the crap out of your system. I do a flush before every detox, food change and fast; I also
flush whenever I feel bloated, sluggish or ill from the food in my digestive system.
I wanted to take a moment to explain a few things when it comes to the sea salt solution and the smoove move tea. When you choose one over the other they will work but keep in mind that how much gunk you have in your system determines how long it takes and how much salt you may need when doing the sea salt flush. Using both methods together works better than using one alone and you may have to do them over a few days to completely clean your system. It all depends on what you eat and how much food and gunk is in your system. For more on the sea salt flush click here:

And…It Is What It Is!

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