My New Food Challenge

I began to write this post yesterday then I scrapped it, I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to say. I know that sounds crazy right?? Well, let’s try this again…

If you have been following my blog, you know I like to challenge myself every challenge usually has to do with my eating habits; this one is no different. I want to incorporate more veggies into my diet in a major way. I am not becoming a vegetarian, I just want to boost my vegetable intake especially during my snacks instead of the fruit I usually have.

With every challenge I research ideas on how I can best achieve my goal, what’s a healthy approach and what isn’t.

I am always looking for healthier ways to eat without compromising myself. What that means is, I don’t want to give up everything I love and I know I don’t have to. Things like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and shellfish. I don’t want to be a vegan; I know many out of shape vegans. They say there wasn’t meat when man was first created but there wasn’t any pasta either and they surely eat that. I could go on about that all day but the fact of the matter is I have no issues with vegans, I know some wonderful people who do not eat meat or meat products; they don’t force their beliefs down my throat and vice versa.

Ok so, I decided to look up vegetarian meal plans so I could plan my meals for the day while having a little variety. I found a site that allows me to base the meal plan on calories for the day. Even though I am not going to have veggies all day it’s good to get an idea of what I can eat during the time of day I will be eating only veggies.

You know what…I didn’t tell you what the challenge was did I…lol! OK so basically, what I am doing is cutting my meats and fruits down to breakfast, dinner and evening snacks for 30 days.

My meals will look something like this:
Breakfast: Fruit smoothie or egg muffins w/a piece of fruit.
Morning snack: Veggies, hummas
Lunch: Salad or lettuce wraps, veggie soup, etc
Mid Day Snack: Plain veggies or w/homemade bean dip
Dinner: Chicken or fish w/veggies
Evening Snack: Fruit

I have realized that when I have a banana after my workout I feel so much better the next day so I can’t give those up; I think I will make a banana protein shake.

So, on the site they have milk and pasta as options but I won’t be adding those. I don’t drink regular milk and I’m not huge on pasta but if I choose to have pasta it will be whole wheat pasta during dinner. You can choose 1200, 1500 or 1800 calorie a day meals, right now I take in 1400 calories so I will tweek their plan plus their plan doesn’t include a morning snack so I will have one of those.

My challenge begins on Monday August 27th and will end Thursday September 27th. During this time I will continue to work out but I am adding 2 extra days; one more total work out class and a yoga/weights day. I cut my workout down to 4 days from 6 due to my work schedule but that’s all about to end. I will make it a priority to get it in 6 days a week some way or another.

And…It Is What It Is!

Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube health channel


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