Full Ripple Deep Sew In w/Alternative Closure Method (Video)

So it was time for me to get my hair done again. Due to my crazy workout schedule I decided to go back to my wavy style. It’s easier to maintain and I don’t have to do much besides wet it and it works well with my natural hair. Also, I decided to cut a good two inches of my hair. It was time to cut out the lingering relaxed hair. It looked too stringy on the ends.

This was my daughter’s first install video and a lot of items made it to the cutting room floor…lol but overall she did a good job and her marketing strategy has been put into action and so far so good! This is the next phase of marketing her and getting her a client base. So far she has a nice clientele and quite a few professional clients.

Since the video on this style is pretty detailed, I am going to keep the post short.

My daughter installed my hair, my braiding pattern is the norm, I have a tiny bit of my natural hair out in the front. My braids are normal size. I used a brand called Lovely Ripple Deep in 18”, 16” and 14”, I’ve never heard of this hair before. I bought it at a local beauty supply and when I asked for Ripple Deep, this is what she gave me. Previously I ordered my hair online and used the Chocolate brand. We used all three packs of the Lovely hair and still did not have enough. I had some left over Chocolate hair from my previous Ripple Deep install. I will say that these wefts were a lot shorter than I am use to. Until I find a brand locally that provides reasonable wefts; I will continue to order online.

A little bit about the alternative closure method.
I like this method when it comes to closing my install, mainly big styles like curly or wavy hair. I can wear my hair with a bump in the front or all down and the little bit of hair I have in front covers the track. I’ve seen someone wear straight styles like this as well.

What you do is you lay all of your tracks in the normal U shape pattern around your head, once you get to eye level, lay one track in the opposite direction across the front of your head the length from one eye to the other. Then continue to fill in your install. When you get to the top instead of going in a circular pattern you just lay the tracks back and forth until you get to the end. On my head there is another small track that goes in the opposite direction like the front track.

I hope you enjoy the video!

And…It Is What It Is!


  1. I LOVE alternative closure method! Deej is definately talented! She get it from her momma!

  2. I have this method used in my current style, her clients are loving it too


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