I'm a Runner! (Not Really)

So I was recently reading a blog and there was a post about running; I’ve been contemplating running for quite some time. At one point I would run on the treadmill for a mile but when I changed my workout schedule and took out the Yoga and Pilates (formally my less active workout days) I stopped running. So I’ve wanted to add running back to my schedule. At one point my only foreseeable option was to wake up at 4 am and run but honestly the thought of getting up while it is still dark and barely any cars on the road just isn’t sitting well with me. I don’t mind running in the evenings mainly because I see more cars and even people out running at that time in the morning, but early in the am just isn’t going to work.

The website talks about a program called Couch to 5k - C25K Running Program (C25K), it is available on the Android market as well as iPhone. I did some research on this program and it seems to be a great program for getting someone into running, they even have a treadmill version but it’s more of a printout you can follow. What I like most is that the program starts with a 5 minute brisk warm up walk then goes into a 60 sec jog, then back to a 90 sec walk (repeat), then ends with a 5 minute cool down walk. You can play music from your phone and there is a voice that tells you when you walk and when to run. What I didn’t like is that I had to rewind the program a bit in order to get my entire 3 miles in, I’m not sure if maybe I am not jogging or walking fast enough or if it starts with less miles then works you up to 3 miles. I will have to adjust accordingly.

There is also a podcast for those who want to follow it on their iPod. After the 5k program you can try the 10K, then the Half Marathon and finally the Full Marathon versions, they even have a Pooch to 5k (yes for your dog).

Sunday I decided I would give running 3 miles a try, when I was running on the treadmill I would run a full mile without stopping but as I learn to do a full 3 miles I am following the program. I didn’t stretch before I started but I did stretch afterwards, some say to stretch before some say not to but they all say never stretch a cold body. So if you do decide to stretch while on this program do so after you 5 min warm up walk (just pause the program) then continue witht he program. I could feel it in my pelvic area, like someone had tried to pull my leg (literally) out of socket. I wasn’t tired or thirsty like I thought I would be so I can tell that the program paces you pretty well.

I have also decided that I would be running after work before I go to the gym since I have a couple of hours. So right now my running schedule is: Tuesday – Friday, Sundays are tentative due to other activities I will not be running on Mondays and Saturdays, Mondays I take two classes already, Saturdays are very busy for me and starting in November I will be taking two morning classes. The winter months are the hardest and due to the cold weather your body tends to store more fat so I will be revving up my workout, on some days I will be on the treadmill; days that are too cold, rainy or snowy (I don’t drive in snow so maybe not snow days). That’s my plan for now and is subject to change to suit my needs.

And…It Is What It Is!


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