Life Changes and Fasting

Over the past few days I've been re-evaluating the people I've let into my life over the years. I know what kind of life I want to have and what kind of life I prefer. I'm happy with my life and I love the direction it's going in so in order to maintain my happiness going forward I have to watch who I let in to my life moving forward.

I want to add people to my life that are beneficial, share similar interests, people I can learn from and encourage positivity. But it's so much more than just the people, it's also me; changing things within me that will strengthen me as an individual which includes changing my diet even more. Finding strength to eliminate sugars or reduce them tremendously; taking control over my desires. I never knew that deciding to live a healthier lifestyle would have such an effect on how I view my life as a whole. I know that more changes will come and they too will take effect in waves as I continue to grow as a person mentally, physically and spiritually.

 It's been a few months since I did a juice fast and system detox flush and even though I have been needing to do one I've been dreading it as well. I was conflicted due to my exercise schedule and at this point I'm not willing to stop working out, so I had to do more research and figure out how I could do my juice fast and still keep my intense workout routine. After reviewing an article on Living Strong I found that I can still workout and save my muscle mass while detoxing by adding protein, which was great news for me since I have protein on hand in both my vitamins and in the form of whey. So I will be adding my vitamins to my juice, protein feeds your muscles and prevents them from wilting away, that’s why you see so many men who are trying build muscle taking additional protein to bulk up.

Fasting gives you a sense of clarity and comes with a feeling of euphoria. During your hardest time fast can help you feel a sense of happiness. Some people eat when upset others fast. Even through I'm not going through a hard time right now, there has been a time when fasting helped me when I was but the reason I put these posts together because with me clearing so much from my life and making changes, fasting helps with that change, I think it's good for when you are making life changes because you are cleansing your body and soul at the same time.

During this time I will be on my 37 Day Detox Plan. I’m going to be honest with you, Thanksgiving and my daughter's birthday is coming so my plan will be more like 27 days with a 2 day semi-lapse then back on track. I don't go crazy over the holidays anyway but I will be eating a few sweets. I just have to watch my intake and stay in control after the holidays are over especially since I don't know what the gym hours will be that week, last thing I need is to gain weight back.

Today is day one, I will keep you updated daily as always for at least the first ten days, it helps me stay focused so who knows maybe I will post the entire time. All of my posts speak on the day previous so I will let you know about today tomorrow.

And...It Is What It Is!



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