The Quick, The Fast and The Ugly…Why I Started Going Steady!

When I do a juice fast/detox I usually lose 1-2 pounds a day. Sometimes I gain it all back. That’s why I developed the 37 Day System Detox plan for myself. The problem is if I don’t stick to the plan (yes, my own plan) I gain weight back because I tend to go crazy after not eating solid food for 10 days. Now if you want to get into that dress or those pants for a special occasion or you feel really slowed down and sluggish due to food then by all means, have at it, but if you are looking to improve yourself for life, follow the plan. The plan is good to get you started on a good path and to jump start weight loss but do not think it is a cure all; the cure is in the mind.

Anywho, my reason for bringing this up is because I did a juice detox a few months ago in March and kept the weight off for a couple months but then I began to gain it back. This was my downfall; I didn’t stick through for the whole 37 days and I began to eat junk more and workout less. Yes, I admit I had a moment of lapse for a couple of months. That is when I decided to rev up my workout schedule and get back to eating like I had some sense and stay focused. I didn’t work this hard to turn around and fail.

So in March I was down a few pant sizes and of course, bought new pants. Well, by July I was scared to put any of those pants on, some of which to this day I have never worn out in public. All because I was afraid I had gained so much of the weight back that I lost during my fast that I would not be able to fit them. So over the past few months I have been monitoring my inches and not so much my weight. I’ve noticed that I am inching down considerably and I am able to fit the same clothes I bought when I got off my fast. I am proud of the progress I am making and I will continue to work hard towards being healthy.

The best part about it is even when my scale isn’t showing me what I want to see, the tape measure, my sagging pants, too big bra and lack of belly is magnifying my progress. Not to mention the lovely mirror who has become my very best buddy. Why you ask? Because she (yes, she) tells it like it is, straight shot no chaser, just like me!

OAN: I will be doing a short post on clean eating. I have been doing much research on this and honestly I am still learning what it is exactly but I will share with you what I know and how I feel about it and what I am doing as far as clean eating goes.

And…It Is What It Is!


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