The Engagement: Reflection

The Engagement Series is a series of blog posts written before I got married in a very private ceremony on December 13th. They are released daily until they are complete, I hope you enjoy.
December 11, 2012

“Try not to focus so much on needing someone, instead focus on being the one someone needs”

It’s amazing how when you take the time to better yourself and become the person you want to be with that special someone finds you.

I was riding to work this morning thinking about the people who may be hurt or just feeling some kind of way in general regarding my recent marriage news. Some of the people I must admit I didn’t want to know, but I had to deal with the fact that this is my life and I have to make my own decisions that are best for me.

When it comes to past lovers, we have to move on. If that person was the person you were meant to be with then it would have happened and they would be your spouse and not someone else. Some people don’t appreciate the value they have in front of them or they are too caught up in their own self to focus on anyone else.

I was talking to my cousin and she brought up an interesting fact, a man knows off the back if he wants a woman to be his wife, it doesn’t take five years for him to know; it may take five for him to actually do it but not five to know.

Too often people tend to try and make themselves into someone they aren’t in order to satisfy someone, the problem is they lose who they are and become unhappy. I firmly believe that you cannot have a happily ever after if you aren’t happy while being yourself.

I am in love with the woman I have become and the woman I am becoming, evolution is such a wonderful feeling. What is even more wonderful is having a man in my life who not only encourages my growth but who wants to grow with me and walk in this journey with me and better himself as well.

And…It Is What It Is!


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