Do You Know What Type of Friend You Are?

I may not be the type of person that smiles all the time and sometimes my tone can be misleading but what I am not, is malicious, untrustworthy, two faced and mean spirited. I don't talk about my friends behind their backs nor do I pretend to be a friend to someone when I know I do not like that person for whatever reason. I’ve always gone out of my way to help others and sometimes that has come to bite me in the behind but it hasn’t made me the type of person who doesn’t want to help others. Helping people is in my spirit, it’s a part of who God made me, I want to help you get to greater heights and celebrate your successes. My purpose is greater than what the average person prefers it to be. I’ve seen good people who have the best spirit be faced with malicious people so I know I am not exempt, I’ve seen the most malicious, two faced people be the most loved and adored individuals and even though it makes me wonder “why” it has not made me want to become one of those people.

I’ve noticed that my children are two of the most loving and caring children I know and that speaks volumes to me and the type of adults they will become. I’ve always had a caring spirit; I’m definitely the friend who will give it to you raw, no hold backs no ring around the rosy, just straight and to the point no chaser. If and only if, you want to hear the truth, do you come to me. Sometimes I feel like people take my kindness for weakness and when that happens I have to let them know that I’m not that person, then I become the bad guy but that’s ok.

Another quality about me is my ability to separate business from personal, I’ve been in a relationship where there was also a professional relationship and there were many times where we had gotten into a tiff and I was able to handle business as if everything was wonderful, they hated it because they were very emotional and they carried that emotion into the business aspect of things but what that does is ruin your ability to get to the bottom line and the bottom line is success. If you want to be successful you must be able to separate your personal feelings from your professional dealings.

At the end of the day I know I have many more aspects of my personality I need to work on but I am grateful that God has made me the loyal, loving and caring soul that he has made me. I am even more grateful that he has brought people into my life who can guide me to becoming the type of person I strive to be. I am a work in progress and I see myself evolving daily.

And…It Is What It Is!


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