Living with a Bad Influence

Living a healthy lifestyle is difficult when the person you are with does not share that healthy lifestyle with you and isn’t as supportive as they should be. I’ve been married for two months now and my husband does not live a healthy lifestyle like I do. He doesn’t work out and he does not eat healthy. He has however given up pork, which was a deal breaker in order for us to marry.
Over the holidays I allowed myself to eat pretty much whatever I wanted and I am paying the price for that now, I’ve been struggling to get back on track and my husband isn’t making it very easy. He tends to bring home fried food and sweets and I have to constantly tell him no. If I have a moment where I crave something sweet then I will have something sweet but having it constantly put in my face has become annoying, I know he means well but I don’t think he understands the importance of my health.

One of the things I’ve decided to do is to live as an example so he can get the idea of what my life truly is and not what he seems to believe it is. I think this is my hardest challenge of them all because I struggle when it comes to junk food. I struggle at saying no to foods that I’ve loved for so long and it’s even harder when you have a partner who isn’t use to a healthier lifestyle. My husband is naturally slim and he has muscular arms, but don’t be fooled, all of this is natural; he doesn’t work out; not even a little bit. He used to come to the gym with me when we first started dating and he just couldn’t hang.

I’ve recently gotten back into my full gym flow (since the 3 weeks in December when I slacked off) and it feels so good going in there and beasting it out. I friggin love when I’ve completed a workout even if sometimes I have to drag myself to the gym. I got back on my meal plan and back to my semi-clean eating and grocery shopping.

I can’t force my husband to eat like me or work out like me, but I can continue on with my life as I have and hope that he follows suit, the best I can do is do like I do with my kids and lead by example. He eats what I cook because it always good so that isn’t my issue. But the bags of chips he eats, sodas he drinks or the fried meals and burgers he picks up along the way are all on him, I will not and have not contributed to his habits.

At the end of the day my health is important to me and even though I struggle daily at keeping it together I will not give up, this is my life and I am the only one responsible for it. I can only blame myself if I fail.

And…It Is What It Is!


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