30 Day Challenge: It's Over...or is it?

Well, the challenge is over and I must say I enjoyed it. During this challenge I lost 10 lbs and about 12 inches overall. I have seen my body transform right before my eyes. I’ve been working out for a year and a half now and this has been the hardest I’ve worked out and the most focused I’ve been.

For 30 days I have allowed my Facebook friends to see me during some of my ugliest moments, sweaty, tired and just beat; I shared every meal I ate and prepared. I did this to show support for a fellow challenger, someone who needed the accountability to ensure they would stay focused on the challenge. But it ended up being more than that for me; I ended up staying on track myself. I don’t know if I would have skipped a day or two if I didn’t have to be accountable but I do know that knowing I had to show accountability made me get up and make it happen.
This challenge pushed me to the limit; it made me step up to the plate and show myself what I am made of, but more than that it brought me closer to my family. It gave us something to look forward to. It gave us moments of laughter and moments of fun together in the kitchen and in the gym.
I wake up every day at 5am to commute to work and be there by 7am. I come home I cook a full meal for my family and I go to the gym for about one to three hours depending on the day. I have two children that are very active in sports so on top of everything else I commute my children to and from practices and games, I am also a wife with a husband who also requires attention. I don’t buy fast food for my children, I cook for my children. Nightly I prepare all of my meals for the following work day (breakfast, lunch and two snacks).

I say all of this to say that there is no excuse for why you cannot stay fit and eat healthy. I am not super woman, there’s nothing more special about me than there is about you. There’s no reason you cannot take at least thirty minutes and workout at home at least three days a week. There’s no reason you cannot prepare a meal for your family that is nutritious. The time spent preparing and eating that meal together is quality time for you and them.  Not only are you spending valuable time with your family but you are teaching your children valuable lessons that they will take with them as they grow into adulthood; while bettering yourself and becoming healthier and smarter.
This challenge was put in place to get me back on track after the holidays, it was to get me back into my groove and excited about the gym. I have to challenge myself in order to keep from getting bored. Even though I won’t be posting photos of my daily workout face or my meals each night I will continue to stay in the challenge, not officially but in my mind. I will keep challenging myself to rise to the top and reach the finish line every time I step in the gym. Because for me the challenge never ends, the challenge restarts over and over again. This is my life, this is who I am and when I look into the mirror I must say I am proud of the woman staring back at me. Even though I have not reached my goal I know that as long as I stay focused, I will make it to the finish line and beyond.

And…It Is What It Is!


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