Holiday Party on a Budget

When it comes to the holidays, most of the people who host holiday parties stress over the budget and impressing their guests. There are many ways you can host an impressive holiday party on a budget.

Simplify Your Invitations
If you're throwing a budget soiree, aim to keep costs down from the start.

Depending on how formal your party is, and how well you know your guests, you might consider e-mailing invitations right from your computer. If you need to manage invitations and RSVPs for a large crowd, you could also use a free online service such as Keep in mind, however, that some of your guests might not be big fans of e-mail invitations.

A budget-by-mail alternative: Create postcard invitations on a home computer. You won’t need envelopes and the stamps for postcards are cheaper than those for mailing letters.

Decorate Simply but Elegantly
A smart way to keep a party on budget is to pick a theme. Yes, a theme; anything ranging from a simple color scheme of silver and blue to something more elaborate like an “Ugly Sweater party”.

Focus on your entry area, food table and perhaps bathroom. An inexpensive door wreath or twigs wrapped in a festive bow, candles of various sizes on foyer tables, a clear bowl filled with extra holiday ornaments on your buffet table and a holiday-scented candle in your bathroom make guests feel welcome but not overwhelmed.

On the day of the party, dress up a holiday buffet table with this catering trick: Use paint cans, phone books or empty, overturned planting pots to create risers for food trays. Simply cover them with your tablecloth, a curtain, a pretty or a sheet and your table will look like it was set by a professional. Use holiday lights underneath your table cloth for an elegant effect.

Organize Buffet Food by Cost
Put less-expensive, filling foods such as rolls and veggies at the head of the buffet table, where guests will start filling their plates. Put the pricier foods towards the end of the line. Guests will naturally fill up on the less expensive items before hitting the costlier goodies.

Don’t Shun the Potluck
Why do it all when friends and family are usually happy to help? Potlucks don’t just save money, they add to the fun. Take guests up on their offer to bring something, whether it's a plate of their favorite holiday cookies or a homemade side salad, especially if your holiday party is buffet-style; just make sure that guests aren't bringing something that is crucial to the meal. If they don't show up, you'll be stuck.

And…It Is What It Is!



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