The Clean Eating Vegetarian

I’m going to talk about something that has been bothering me. As some of you may know I am Making the Transition to a Vegetarian after the holidays. I have been preparing for this transition by changing my eating habits and creating a vegetarian meal plan. I recently detoxed my system in preparation for a better eating plan that consists of 3 meat days: two poultry/fish days and one fish only day, two vegan days and two vegetarian days; by doing this I am preventing myself from diving head first into a different lifestyle, which will hopefully make the transition that much easier. That being said, I do still have meat (chicken & Fish) in my freezer which I will keep there for my children to consume if they choose to do so.

While doing research, I noticed that finding a “clean” non-processed vegan recipe is not as easy as it seems, it’s easier to find “clean” non-processed vegetarian recipes than it is to find a vegan one. One of the places I came across vegan meals is the PETA website; I was quite disappointed in what I found on their site. Not only did the meals plan they provided not look like anything worth anyone following, they were full of processed food; canned beans, processed fake meats, processed fake cheeses, processed chili, processed frozen meals, store bought hummus and the list goes on. It seems like if they really wanted to transition people they would at least pretend to care about human life, but also put more effort into providing a better meal plan with better options. I can guarantee they wouldn’t want to feed that crap to an animal. That’s what kills me about those animal right activists; a lot of them don’t value human life. They will kill a human while preserving animal life, it simply amazes me.

Anywho, enough about that, back to my point, searching for yummy vegan recipes that are also considered “clean” took some digging but I did find a few sites that offer yummy vegan meals, I also just took some of my vegetarian recipes and converted them into vegan recipes.

Once this process is all over, no, I will not be a vegan; at this time I have no desire to become vegan, only a vegetarian. So yes, I will still eat yogurt, cheese, honey and anything else except animal flesh and animal milk.

Since I love to cook I will be making up new recipes and sharing them with you all, I may also continue to cook turkey, chicken etc for holidays, just not eat it; it depends because a year from now I may have an arsenal of vegetarian dishes under my belt and someone else can bring the meat dish; which won’t be hard because I rarely bring a dish that contains meat anyway.

Remember my decision doesn’t come from me wanting to save the animals, even though I am totally unhappy with how they are treated, my decision comes from my wanting to improve my own health and fix my digestive system. So even though I am removing meat from my diet I still have to remove/cut back on other foods as well and the biggest one is sweets. I will touch on that one in another blog and explain why now, more than ever before it has become very important to me to rid myself of my addiction to sugar.

And…It Is What It Is!


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