My Eating Habits...What I'm Doing Now

I’ve been on my journey for quite some time now and I’ve had many setbacks. The one thing I am happy about is that I haven’t given up. I feel like this has become my life over the past 2 ½ years and I am so much happier when I am on the right track and I truly feel like I will be able to stay focused this time. A lot of people have asked what my habits are and what I am eating. I developed a new eating plan for myself; my plan was based on the eating plans of both an ex-porn star and a psychologist…lol yes, a porn star. This is how I eat and this is what works for me. Since I decided to become a pescetarian instead of a full vegetarian you will see seafood but no poultry, you can add some white meat poultry.

If you would like to know what my new habits are check it out below.


Yes Foods: (whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortilla, whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, etc.) vegetables, fruit, seafood, fresh and frozen vegetables, frozen yogurt, sorbet

No Foods: white foods (pasta, rice, flour, tortillas, bread, rolls etc.), processed foods (most canned goods, most frozen dinners, boxed foods, chips, microwave popcorn), sodas, ice cream, dairy cheese, fast food, fried food, junk food (chips, cupcakes, donuts).


No eating starchy foods after 5pm
Eat vegetables with every meal
Eat 5-6 small meals a day
Lunch is my heaviest meal (protein, starch, veggies)

Sample Menu for one day:

Breakfast: Egg white veggie scramble or egg white sandwich on whole wheat sandwich thin
Morning Snack: 3 Boiled egg whites or one whole egg with roasted veggies or a banana
Lunch: Seafood, quinoa, vegetables or a salad with whole wheat croutons or whole wheat pita chips and balsamic vinegar or small whole wheat tortilla with veggies and shrimp or a turkey or salmon burger
Late Snack: Veggies or small salad, fruit or hummus w/whole wheat pita chips or air popped popcorn
Dinner: Seafood and steamed veggies or lettuce wraps
Late Snack: Roasted Veggies

I try to make a lot of things from scratch (i.e. salad dressings, hummus etc.) so I know what’s in it. I want to buy a dehydrator and grinder so I can make all my own seasonings and dried fruit, dried salmon etc. Most seasonings have sugar and other unnecessary things added and that makes no sense to me. Plus you save money when you start making your own. My grandma used to make preserves, jellies and jams and they were so good. I truly miss her and wish I would have learned more from her but I am teaching myself. Basically I'm eating clean.
That was a simple breakdown let me know if you have any questions. Remember it takes discipline, if you can stay disciplined and focused you can reach your goals.

And…It Is What It Is!


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