I Have Completed the LiveFit Program

I am proud to say that I have completed the LiveFit 12 week program. It was a hard journey only because I wasn’t used to following such a strict workout regimen but the 3rd phase was the hardest for me, it required more of my time and took place during my busiest time; but I survived.

Out of the 3 phases I must say I enjoyed the 2nd phase the most, it was more in line with what I feel comfortable with and the time restraints were better suited for my schedule. That is why I have decided to add a modified version of phase two to my regular workout routine.

What I have decided to do is work phase two and tweak it to better suit where I am today, by adding more reps and changing the cardio schedule to match with my current cardio schedule. I’ve also decided to add carb cycling for the next few months to see how that best suit me.

While on the LiveFit program I didn’t lose any weight as far as pounds go but I did lose inches and a pants size and gain lots of muscle. Overall, I am happy with my results but not as happy as I would have been if I would have followed the eating plan like I was supposed to.

I definitely recommend this plan to anyone looking to become more fit. It requires discipline and the desire to grow and be better than before; increasing your weight is crucial in order to see growth.

And…It Is What It Is!


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