60 Day Total System Reboot - Phase 1 Review

Today is day two of Phase 2 and day 11 of the 60 Day Total System Reboot. I am down 17 pounds but as you know that means nothing to me, because that weight can come back at any time. The focus is long term weight loss which can only be maintained through consistency, which the 60 Day Total System Reboot helps you to achieve.

To review Phase 1, as I mentioned before I started feeling really sluggish and I needed the flush more than anything. I used the Magnesium Citrate instead of the Sea Salt this time so the process took all day but that was fine by me. I also journaled during the entire 10 day detox.  During this time my mind was clear, I had a ton of energy and I felt light and not sluggish. I was able to focus on my studies with a clear mind and I did not have any headaches. I did add a protein drink on some days to keep my energy levels up when I felt like I wasn’t getting enough calories. I did not drink any of the V8 juice this time. Other times I felt nauseous and I would either suck on a lemon, drink mint tea with lemon or just drink hot water with lemon. I have used lemon and vinegar as a nausea cure since being pregnant fighting morning sickness.

I kept my juice in a tall sports bottle, each morning I would fill it up half way add my super green powder, moringa leaf powder and fill the rest with water. I sipped on this all day, a few times I would have a class of the cherry juice from boathouse or as I mentioned before a small bottle of the protein drink.

Now I am on phase two and it is going well. This phase has two parts, I will report again once part one of this phase has been completed.

And…It Is What It Is!


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