Air Fried Green Tomatoes (video)

I decided to make one of my favorite snack foods today. I fell in love with this snack when I was pregnant with my daughter. My grandma made some and after that I could not get enough.

Whenever I see a green tomato in the store I quickly snatch it up, even if there is only just one. I was grocery shopping at Winco and I came across ONE small green tomato. I snatched it fast like it was I looked for more but that was the only one. Today, I decided to make it in the air fryer instead of frying it on the stove. Since purchasing my air fryer, I have been air frying all of my foods instead of deep frying them. I rarely ever fry food but when I have a crazing for something fried, I am glad I have my air fryer. Not only is it healthier, it tastes better and saves money on buying oil. 

This recipe is written using only one tomato to make it simple, you can adjust to accommodate more.

For those of you who do not have an air fryer, the stove top/deep fryer conversion is below.

Air Fried Green Tomatoes

1 Green Tomato
¼ cup of Flour
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 Egg (omit if vegan)
½ cup Yellow Cornmeal
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Lemon Pepper
2 tbsp Olive Oil

Slice green tomatoes.

Set up an assembly line consisting of three bowels. In the first bowl, add flour and sea salt and mix. In the second bowl, add egg and whisk. In the third bowl add cornmeal and remaining seasonings and mix, add olive oil and mix until moist.

Dredge each green tomato slice through the flour, then the egg, lastly coat with cornmeal mixture.

Place each covered green tomato in the air fryer basket and set the temperature to 400 degrees and set the timer for 15 minutes. Flip half-way through.

**For deep fryer/stove top cooking follow the above recipe except the olive oil. Instead just cover with cornmeal and drop tomatoes into hot corn oil (or oil or your choice).

And...It Is What It Is!


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