Vortex Plus Air Fryer Orange Honey Glazed Duck

Happy Holidays!

For years my mom stayed the night at our house on Christmas eve and woke up with the kids to watch them open their gifts on Christmas day. She would then make breakfast and I would make some sort of dinner. However, for the past few years she has requested that we come over to her house on Christmas day and she cooked dinner. Well, 2 days before Christmas this year I woke up to a text "suggesting" I prepare dinner this year and she will come over. I slightly began to panic because I had no idea what to cook on such short notice. Later that day while at work, I remembered seeing duck at Costco a few days earlier and decide that would be a good idea. Plus I wanted to use my new Vortex I bought on Thanksgiving. I decided on an orange honey glazed duck. I've always wanted to make orange duck since my mom ordered it at a restaurant we went to when she visited me in New Jersey years ago.

I prepped my duck the same as I do a whole turkey before I smoke it. I made a brine and let the duck sit in the sweet and salty ice cold mixture overnight.
I kept the recipe pretty simple, but feel free to add different herbs and spices. 

This recipe can definitely be made in any rotisserie, air fryer, or oven.
Check out my recipe below.

1 whole duck (or chicken)
Butter, softened

1 cup of Himalayan Sea Salt (or salt of your choice)
1 cup of Brown Sugar
Bag of Ice

1/2 cup of Honey
2 Oranges, juiced
1 Tbsp Teriyaki sauce
1/2 tsp Ginger, ground

Fill a large pot 1/4 with water. Boil.
Once boiling, add salt and brown sugar and stir until dissolved.
Add cold water and fill half way.
Submerge duck in the pot and fill with ice.
Cover and put in fridge or you can set outside if it's cold out (40 or below. That's the same temp as your fridge).
Let it sit for at least 12 hours, no more than 24.

Remove duck from brine and pat dry with a paper towel. 

Rub softened butter all over duck.
Set Vortex to Rotisserie. It should default to 380 degrees for 40 minutes, increase to 60 minutes.

Slide Rotisserie bar through duck and secure.

Once Vortex says, "add food", place duck in Vortex and secure.

Close door and cook until done.

In a small pan, add honey, orange juice, teriyaki sauce, and ginger. Heat on medium until boiling. Let cool.
Once duck is done remove rotisserie bar and place duck on a serving dish and glaze with sauce. 

And...It Is What It Is!


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