The Final Stretch of the LiveFit Program

Yeah, I know. I didn’t post a confession this past Saturday. I’ve been so busy lately it’s been hard to keep up, so I have decided to add my confession to this post.

So I have completed phase two of the LiveFit program and I am now in the final phase, phase three, I’m going to start by recapping phase two then I will go into my feelings about phase three.

I enjoyed phase two, in this phase my workout time was increased as well as my days. I had a couple of days where due to certain circumstances I was unable to do the workout that day and I had to combine it with another workout day but I made sure to get it in. This is a phase I would actually like to do over again as part of my normal routine after I have completed the entire series.

I will say however, my eating and my running fell off track so I found myself gaining some weight which I am not proud of. I pretty much stuck with my meal prep but I found myself giving into temptations for sweet treats, chips and other foods that don’t do me any good. In turn it caused my body to go into a state of exhaustion. What happens is when my eating habits fall off so does my energy levels, that combined with my knee tendonitis made getting up early in the mornings to complete my run even more difficult. Had it not been for my other obligations I may have fallen off with my LiveFit training as well. I usually workout in the evenings during my kids practices or right after work so it makes it easier for me.
I must say that my arms are looking really nice and even my legs have begun to shape up nicely, my mid-section however is not looking its best and I have to go to the kitchen to build these abs I’m looking for.

Now that I am into phase three, I can’t lie, I am wondering if I am going to be able to hang the first two weeks, these weeks seem to be the most time consuming. The workouts are a lot longer than the other two phases and I’m already pressed for time as it is so I may end up doing the routine a little later than usual but I am determined to complete this phase the right way.  I don’t mind the additional reps and I don’t mind the intervals I’m just concerned about having enough time to complete the workouts; on average the workouts are about an hour and twenty minutes not including the cardio session which I do in the mornings anyway I typically only have forty-five to sixty minutes per evening before I have to go grab my son so I will see how this all plays out.

And…It Is What It Is!


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